Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Year...

Back in sunny South Africa and starting a new year of the after school program.  I was welcomed back by lots of hugs and happy faces - its good to be back.  First on the list - the "Pay it Forward Project".  Last year, we read some news articles together about schools in the Eastern Cape that are lacking basic necessities.   Budget cuts for these schools are especially disturbing considering the money that is being spent on new stadiums for the upcoming Soccer World Cup... but that's another story... To raise money for these schools, the Social Club has been creating some beaded bracelets and other crafts that will be sold at local street markets.  While so much generosity has allowed the Social Club to continue this year through Dollars for Change, they are now creatively passing it on to other South African children.

Oh, and did I mention?  Our group now meets in one of the NEW classrooms that DFC helped build!!