Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Person...

I've always said, one of the best things about running Dollars for Change, are the people I get to meet.  In addition to seeing projects run successfully and building relationships in the village, it's equally reassuring to meet people that believe in DFC and REALLY CARE about what's happening.  Rachel Conrad (seen at the right) is one of those people.

Rachel recently graduated from Sandy Springs Friends School (SSFS) - a high school in the D.C. area.   She was also one of several students to have traveled here last summer to volunteer in Kurland.  After a DFC presentation at the school in September of 2008,  SSFS raised over $4,000 for DFC - it's largest group donation to date.  Rachel chatted with me during her free period before the presentation - she's the kind of person that you can tell, right off the bat, is going to do amazing things.  We were talking about her upcoming university applications and she was so excited and determined about the years ahead.

Now at Pitzer College in California, Rachel contacted me about helping a child from Kurland go to high school.  As these things are not as simple as they may seem, I was able to work out a situation with another local NGO to assist in facilitating Rachel's request.  And so the process begins...
Not always about dollars and change, but rather opportunities.  Rachel is providing a promising student from Kurland with the opportunity to go to a high school that is not a part of the regular government track and thus has the ability to send her even further.
This is just one of many examples of how amazed I am by the connections and relationships that people have with one another.  Rachel's experiences in Kurland and connections to DFC may have shifted the path of a child's life.  One person... making a huge difference.

Thank you Rachel and best of luck in College!!!